who's behind
The reFuel.ch consortium is a partnership between nine Swiss universities, applied universities and research institutes from various disciplines as well as an industrial partner, hosted by Empa as leading house.
who's behind reFuel.ch
The reFuel.ch consortium is a partnership between nine Swiss universities, applied universities and research institutes from various disciplines as well as an industrial partner, hosted by Empa as leading house.
Management Team
The Management Team is the administrative body of the consortium. The main responsibility is the project lead.
Workpackage Leaders
The management team and the work package leaders form togheter the executive committee and serve as the operative body of the consortium. The main responsibility is to plan, execute and monitor the scientific and technical developements.
Advisory Committee
The advisory committee is an external guiding body of the consortium. It is comprised of experts from the academic, private and public sectors. The main responsibility is to provide guidance to the consortium and facilitate the collaboration with the industrial partners.
Monitoring Panel
The monitoring panel is an external review body of the consortium, constituted by SFOE. It is comprised of experts from the academic and public sectors. The main responsibility is to oversee project development and to ensure the decisions of the consortium are comprehensive and sound.
(SFOE; Head Monitoring Panel)